Which of my services would you be interested in?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Mystery Dinner


So that mysterious thing I started my very first post with the "MYSTERY DINNER".

 * A "Mystery Dinner" is a 4 course meal such that there are guests that get a menu with 16 to 20 items on it.  Each item is named something else. Items will include all utensils, napkin, toothpick, water, coffee, dessert, entree', main dish, vegetable, appetizer, drink, bread and salad and/or soup.    The guest must choose each item once and put them into one of 4 categories which will be the 4 courses. Because everyone makes different choices on where to put each item they will get different items than someone else in that course.  It is a unique and hilariously fun way to have a dinner party.  Let the Mystery Begin! 

Here is one on my sample menus.  

Mystery Dinner Menu

Before the Harvest                                            Ebony and Ivory
After the Harvest                                              Sweet Meet
During the Harvest                                           Kiss Me Now
Trees and Shrubs                                                “Ouch”
After the Udder                                                 Hot Stuff

Sleepy Time Cousin                                             Wagon Wheel
White Girl                                                           Sour Patch
Joan of Arc                                                         Take Your Medicine
Old Man of the Sea                                             The “Y”
Chicken Little                                                      The Ridge
Please enter your choices for each course. You must pick all of them only one time.  Each column must hold 5 items. This is a 4 course meal.
            1                 2                   3                  4

 For example : I choose for course 1, Ebony and Ivory, Trees and Shrubs, After the Udder, Wagon Wheel and The Ridge. These are what I would be served : a chocolate and vanilla dessert, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, butter, a slice of orange and a knife.  Now how lucky did I get to have dessert first!  Hmmm, but I have to eat it with a knife. It would be interesting to watch me eat. It is fun to guess and put the clues together.  A night your guests will not forget. Call me or email me if this is something you would like to do for a birthday, other celebration or just because. Making great memories takes planning.  I would love to help you with that. I can also do other parties with themes and don't forget juvenile parties are also my specialty as well.  Til next time... I'm on my journey....  
Go ahead and leave me a comment. Just click on the blue word comment and the box will pop up to write in.  Thanks.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Home schooling support...

Hello All,

I have been working on many angles of my business plan.  It sure is a lot to think about and consider. From business cards, which icon to put in the corner of it, what colors, a motto, researching the market pricing for different services that I offer, class ideas, ordering tools and the list goes on.  I will be going to a Merit Orientation class this next week in Independence, OR to help me solidify my small business.  I am really excited about this journey.  It should prove to be enlightening and of course challenging but I LOVE A CHALLENGE. Bring it on! If you are wanting to start a small business and just don't know where to start this orientation is free and offered in many locations in my area. Check it out at http://www.chemeketa.edu/busprofession/ccbi/sbdc/merit.html.  I have known about this for years and am thankful for the resource.

One of the things that I have been researching is homeschool support/consulting. There are a few out there and different ways that they provide their services.  I am curious to know, if you are a homeschooling parent, what areas you feel you need help in. Maybe you just can't seem to get on top of something, feeling guilty for not getting to them (subjects, tasks or children), wanting to delve into certain things but don't feel you have the energy, time, ideas or stamina to do it, meals, cleaning, chores, children's personalities or uniqueness,(maybe they hate certain subjects so sneaking subjects in without them recognizing, or coming at it from a different angle) and the list goes on.  I know for me, grading the papers , getting to the spelling tests, and the science lessons just was an overwhelming task.  Money was always tight for those homeschooling years, being on one income.  But one of the best things that I did one year (wish I could have done it more) was hired someone to come in and take over those tasks I just mentioned 2 times a week.  She was WONDERFUL and worth every penny. It did not give me more time in my day (because I was not getting to them anyway) but they got accomplished and the guilt was lifted (in that area).  She was my angel. Maybe you need an angel?  So could you do me a favor and leave me a comment as to what it would be that you would want help with? This will help me to tailor make the business to fit you. I appreciate it. Email me if I can help you. It would be an honor. Oh, and please vote on the poll. The question is: which of the services would you be interested in (you may pick more than one). Thanks.

                Just wanted to share a tatted flower girl basket I made for my daughter's  wedding.                                                              Enjoy!

Come visit me again. Go ahead and leave me a comment. Just click on the blue word comment and the box will pop up to write in.  Thanks.